نسخه استیل بوک بازی Black Ops 3 Hardened برای XBOX ONE

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عنوان محصول : بازی Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Hardened Edition

پلتفرم اجرایی :XBOX ONE

سبک : شوتر اول شخص

حاوی قاب فلزی



بررسی تخصصی

این نسخه شامل تصاویر هنری بازی، یک نقشه‌ی اضافی در بخش زامبی، قاب فلزی و دو بسته شامل محتویات اضافی در درون بازی به اسم های Weaponized 115 و Cyborg می‌باشد.

The Call of Duty Black Ops III Hardened Edition includes:

Limited Edition Specialist Concept Art Cards: Call of Duty: Black Ops III multiplayer introduces the new Specialist character system, allowing players to choose from 9 elite black operations soldiers - each with their own look, personality, and voice. Each Specialist is featured on their own art card that includes exclusive concept art, biography, and a description of their unique weapon and ability.

The Giant Bonus Map: Zombies returns in all of its undead glory with "The Giant," a research facility featuring the weapon-upgrading Pack-a-Punch Machine. Re-live the chaos of Treyarch’s classic "Der Riese" Zombies map, picking up the Zombies story with Dempsey, Nikolai, Richtofen, and Takeo where Origins left off.

Collectible Steelbook: Limited edition steel game case featuring an exclusive design.

In-game Bonus Content: The Weaponized 115 Personalization Pack brings the popular Zombies theme to your favorite Multiplayer weapon. Customize your weapons with the fan favorite Origins-inspired camo, reticle, and animated calling card.

In-game Bonus Content: The fan favorite Cyborg Personalization Pack returns in Call of Duty: Black Ops III, fully-loaded with an electrotech-themed weapon skin, uniquely-shaped reticle, and a calling card.

Official Call Of Duty: Black Ops III Soundtrack:Upgrade your playlist with a digital copy of the in-game score.

NUK3TOWN Multiplayer Map


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